
Fayetteville Comic Con

 This past weekend I attended Fayetteville Comic Con with Bryan SilverBaX. Fayetteville Comic Con is located at Fayetteville, North Carolina. With the flooding in North Carolina due to Hurricane Matthew I thought the con was going to be cancelled, but it was not. 

 This was my first time ever going to this convention in Fayetteville and I would say it was fun. The con was kind of low key there were celebrities, artist and writers at the con. While I was there I found some comics I needed for collection in the dollar bin. I found a  treasure trove of comics.


Transformers, Funko Pops more nerdy stuff 

Transformers, Funko Pops more nerdy stuff


 I really enjoyed talking to the vendors and artist at the con. I always tell people who are collecting comics you can find rare comics and comics that you need to complete your collection. It's a thrill to find your favorite comic book at a convention. 


   Fayetteville Comic Con was fun and had a great time talking to people who are fans and also people who was coming for the first time to the con. With so much going on in our society it's cool to get away for a weekend or a day to escape from the norm. Escape to a place where you have common interest in things like comics, fantasy or just to see your favorite celebrity at a con. To me that's what make it so enjoyable. I really enjoyed myself and if you are in Fayetteville, North Carolina I recommend you check out the Fayetteville Comic Con next year.

Great Voltron Cosplay  

Great Voltron Cosplay  

Great Lady Deadpool Cosplay 👍🏾👍🏾 

Great Lady Deadpool Cosplay 👍🏾👍🏾 

Some Road Warrior: Mad Max Cosplay  

Some Road Warrior: Mad Max Cosplay